Find your suitable journey

Experience hidden gems with Travel Realms and discover a new of travel, curated & designed with in-depth planning, research & knowledge


Discover new journeys, off-beaten paths, unexplored locations and much more in this category.

Classic Tours

A mixture of classic family experience + soft adventures.

Scenic Journeys

Embark on scenic drives, explore road-trips with your friends and much more.

What makes our Itineraries special?

Built from ground

All our itineraries are built up from scratch. With thorough research & planning, each itinerary is crafted with niche experiences & unique trips.

Easy customization

The itineraries designed are 100% customizable. Meaning, you can chip in few extra days or add your own excursions without any hassles.

Made for all age-groups

Feeling too old to go on an adventure trip? Worry not! Our itineraries are well-categorized considering different age-groups and suitable activities.

Travel. Explore. Repeat

Made with Love

Every journey holds a special place in our hearts. You create memories, you meet new faces and you get inspired by local cultures & traditions. This very moment has been embedded in each of our itineraries. Right from meeting & greeting people, to discovering new ventures -you'll be amazed by the unique places you will discover

We believe in the work we do. We want to motivate and inspire people to travel. We want you to lead your own path to unexplored places. And to do so, we want to make it special for you. These itineraries are not just a schedule, but also a culmination of our experiences & efforts put together to create something unique

Explore Itineraries by places

Iguazú Falls

Costa Rica



Grand Canyon

Great Ocean Road